WE ARE PUNK! Opening FEBRUARY 18th, from 6:30-9:30PM.
Curated by Robin McGeough and Stephen Holman. On view in the open art space on the mezzanine level at The Last Bookstore, next to the Dove Biscuit Studio Gallery itself.
Featured Artists: Joe O'Neill, Stephen Holman, Robin McGeough, Marz Bravo, Meg Gamez, John Miner, Darrell Harvey, Tony Clough, Jim Turner, Alison Kalnins, Miguel Filipe and Tom Tilden.
Special Guest, Punk Legend JACK GRISHAM of T.S.O.L. reading from his book, "An American Demon". PLUS Live Art by Stephen Holman and DJ NICK VARGO from Dr Strange Records.
RSVP to the invite on Facebook.